Hello everyone. I've been using Boost::Asio recently for tasks that one would often use languages such as Python or Perl for (e.g. sending GET requests), but I use C++ and ASIO since:
1) I need substantial speed
2) I just like C++
However, I notice that even though Asio works wonderfully for larger, asynchronous projects, it gets in the way while doing smaller, more routine tasks. And, asio also is not a miniscule library and when creating binaries, one is often including things he/she wouldn't need. So, I wrote a small library (<500 LOC) that basically lets you pretend that a socket is a stream and you can use it like std::cout and std::cin. Would anyone consider having this included in the Boost repository, or even merged with Asio (the former is preferable because of the binary size reason)? It currently works on Linux, and I'm working on compatibility with Windows. An example of code you can write with it:
http://ideone.com/2GHe5 (GETs data from google.com)
Right now, all calls are blocking, so that non-blocking can be done with Asio, which is more powerful.