Just to let you know that here it is another Mac OS X 10.4 boost user.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Julian Gonggrijp <j.gonggrijp@gmail.com> wrote:
Nat Linden wrote:

>>> However, at this moment in history, one must ask how important it
>>> still is to support Mac OS X <= 10.4?
>> I'm completely ignorant about today's marketshare of Mac OS X 10.4, but I
>> can tell you I'd rather like to see it supported for a while. Personally,
>> I own an i686 machine with Mac OS X 10.6 and a PPC machine with Mac OS X 10.4.
>> The latter is quite old and won't be able to pull anything more modern than
>> 10.4. Therefore my only option for PPC testing is under Mac OS X 10.4.
> Mmm, I have no hard data either (anyone?) -- but it seems to me that
> the importance of testing on OS X 10.4 depends not only on how many
> such machines are still in use, but on how many of those machines the
> owners are still installing new software.

I agree completely to your line of reasoning. I'm an example of a 10.4 machine
owner that still installs new software, but again, one person is a small sample

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