2011/4/6 Vincent Agnus
I have some trouble to retreive error parsing information using qi::on_error<fail> to work on a std::string.
The documentation propose the following code :
, std::cout
<< val("constituent: expected ")
<< _4 // what failed?
<< val(" here: \"")
<< construct<std::string>(_3, _2) // iterators to error-pos, end
<< val("\"")
<< std::endl
* On my First attempt. I have define a class member (std::stringstream m_error) in my grammar class and replace std::cout by phx::ref(m_error). But this code generate a compilation error
Seems like a Phoenix bug to me. Here's a workaround:
(ostream&)m_error << ...
* For the second attempt, I declare class member m_error as std::string and use this error handler:
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
on_error< qi::fail>
, phx::ref(m_error)
= ( phx::construct<std::string>(phx::val("Error! Expecting "))
// + qi::_4 REMARK1
+ phx::construct<std::string>( phx::val(" here: \"") )
+ phx::construct<std::string>(qi::_3, qi::_2)
+ phx::construct<std::string>( phx::val("\"") )
that's work perfectly. On error my string is correctly filled. But my problem is that I can't get the expected token (_4) (REMARK1), If I uncomment line REMARK1, I get a compilation error, same result using the code phx::construct<std::string>(qi::_4).
How can a get qi::_4 as string ?
phx::bind(&boost::spirit::info::tag, qi::_4)
Can any one with kindness help me?