Hello all, please help! I'm truly banging my head against the wall here. I am trying to write a function that will allow me to write gzipped binary files (~50 MB) and read them again. I have data in memory. Here's my code for writing:

    namespace io = boost::iostreams;

    filename = "c:/test.bin.gz"; //My output file
    int size = 5000000; //Data size in bytes, ~5 MB
    //Create filtering_ostream
    io::filtering_ostream out; //Creates a filtering_ostream called out
    out.push(io::gzip_compressor()); //Assigns the gzip_compressor to out
    out.push(io::file_sink(filename)); //Assigns a file sink to out
    char* memblock = new char [size]; //This is my data. In reality memblock will have been created earlier and filled with real data

    out.write(memblock, size); //Do the writing

    delete[] memblock; //Clean up

As written above the resulting file, c:/test.bin.gz, is corrupt. If I try to decompress it, either with gzip or winrar, I get an error message. However, if I instead set size = 4000000 (~4 MB) (slightly smaller), the resulting file works just fine. My problem therefore is that my actual size is 50 MB...

Please help!
Anders (not a real programmer)