2011/4/8 Tore Halvorsen <tore.halvorsen@gmail.com>

I'm trying to output a string from an adapted class, but I'm getting
1>main.cpp(33): error C2679: binary '<<' : no operator found which
takes a right-hand operand of type
'boost::fusion::extension::adt_attribute_proxy<foo,0,false>' (or there
is no acceptable conversion)
for the following code (boost 1_46_1, msvc2010)

Is there a header I'm missing? Very similar code works for
BOOST_FUSION_DEFINE_STRUCT - and using ints or doubles also work...

In that case, boost::fusion::front returns not the real element, but a attribute_proxy that separates the use of getter & setter.

Here's a workaround:
    std::cout << (std::string const&)boost::fusion::front(f) << std::endl;