Dear all,

I would like to gauge the interest of the community in a library that can serve 1) as a complement to Boost.MultiArray and 2) as an alternative to Boost.MultiArray.

For the first type of use, an example of the candidate library's capabilities is that it makes available a special iterator "it" that allows to browse all the elements of a MultiArray "m". This special iterator has an it.indices() members that returns a "list" Collection of indices (i.e. an IndexList) such that "m(list)" and "*it" are the same elements. This can be useful for functions whose effect on an element of "m" depends on where this element is situated in "m".

The second way to use the candidate library is as an alternative to Boost.MultiArray of dynamically chosen (execution time) dimensionality. Moreover, the elements do not necessarily need to be arranged in a multi-dimensional "box", as is the case in a MultiArray. For example, a "simplex" organization of the elements is already implemented.

If you are interested to know more, I strongly suggest you to take a look at the example file in sandbox/index_list/libs/index_list/examples.cpp . The library itself is in sandbox/index_list/boost and a readme file (with some details concerning concepts and "priorities") is in sandbox/index_list/libs/README . An automatically generated (Doxygen) documentation is located in sandbox/index_list/libs/index_list/doc/index.html . Sadly, there is no "real" documentation for now.

Many thanks for your time.


Pierre-André Noël