I finally got boost to build with visual studio 2008 and 4-byte packing.  Here is what I had to do:

1.  Edit the tools\build\v2\user-config.jam and add:
using msvc : vc9 :
"D:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/bin/cl.exe" :

2.  On the bjam command line use the options: --toolset=msvc-9.0 cxxflags=-Zp4

3.  Edit boost/config/user.hpp:
// BOOST_ABI_PREFIX: A prefix header to include in place of whatever
// boost.config would normally select, any replacement should set up
// struct packing and alignment options as required.
#define BOOST_ABI_PREFIX <boost/config/abi/saplib_prefix.hpp>

// BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX: A suffix header to include in place of whatever
// boost.config would normally select, any replacement should undo
// the effects of the prefix header.
#define BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX <boost/config/abi/saplib_suffix.hpp>

The prefix header just contains #pragma pack(push,4) and the suffix just has #pragma pack(pop)

4.  For some reason ASIO does not use the boost ABI header prefix and suffix.  It has its own.  Edit boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp to use #pragma pack(push,4).

The boost build now completes cleanly (with no errors or warnings) on boost 1.43.  

There seems to be some room for simplification or improvement here?