Dear Users,
I am using a pointer to a function member with the std::transform alorithm.
The class is a QuantLib class called DayCounter and the method is called yearFraction
and takes in two mandatory dates and two optionals  to return the corresponding year fraction.
yearFraction ( QuantLib::Date t1,QuantLib::Date t2,QuantLib::Date t3 = Date(),QuantLib::Date t4=Date())
Now I tried to fill a vector called yearfracs in this way
boost::shared_ptr<QuantLib::DayCounter> dc( new QuantLib::ActualActual);

QuantLib::Date t = todaysDate()

std::vector<QuantLib::Time> yearfracs;



subsample is the originary vector of dates.

The compiler reported the following error

error C2825: 'F': must be a class or namespace when followed by '::'

What is the correct syntax for doing this?

Thanks in advance
