Thanks for your swift reply.
Yes,it is of the same size, I must change the line std::vector<QuantLib::Time> yearfracs(subsample.size())

Thanks again

On 20 April 2011 19:23, Jeff Flinn <> wrote:
simone pilozzi wrote:
Dear Users,
 I am using a pointer to a function member with the std::transform alorithm.
The class is a QuantLib class called DayCounter and the method is called yearFraction
and takes in two mandatory dates and two optionals  to return the corresponding year fraction.
 /yearFraction ( QuantLib::Date t1,QuantLib::Date t2,QuantLib::Date t3 = Date(),QuantLib::Date t4=Date())/
 Now I tried to fill a vector called yearfracs in this way
 boost::shared_ptr<QuantLib::DayCounter> dc( new QuantLib::ActualActual);

QuantLib::Date t = todaysDate()

std::vector<QuantLib::Time> yearfracs;



Assuming you want each subsample item to be pass as t2 :

, QuantLib::Date()
, QuantLib::Date())

You need the _1, as you are generating a unary function object. IIRC, you need to specify the default args.

Also I assume yearFracs.size() >= subsamble.size()?


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