On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Anders Knudby <knudby@gmail.com> wrote:

Interesting. I just tried close(in) and it compiles and runs without problems. I swear that I have tried that previously and it gave me errors, saying something along the lines that 'close' isn't part of boost::iostreams. In my current implementation I use it as part of std (no io:: prefix):

Let me know if/when you figure that out.  I DID reproduce the behaviour you reported about not being able to compile 'out.close()', and when I tried that, that produced the same error that you reported.
Ted, to get zlib libraries built as part of boost, check out this page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629421/how-to-use-boost-in-visual-studio-2010. With some modifications that's how I got it to work in Visual Studio 2008. It seems silly to me that iostreams, the filesystem and zlib and bzip2 aren't included in the standard build of Boost for Windows, but there's probably a reason.

Hmmm, I missed that, even though I managed to complete the build process as described in the main documentation for boost, for MSVS 2005, MSVS 2010, and cygwin; both 32 bit and 64 bit in MSVS, and all on the same machine. 

I can see not distributing third party libraries, even if they're open source, but what strikes me as silly is not mentioning it on the 'Getting Started' pages, so one can download any third party libraries one may need and alter the process for building everything accordingly before building anything.  At least one then knows whether or not some parts of the collection will be functional depending on whether or not you took the extra steps for those libraries having such dependencies on third party libraries.

Perhaps those responsible for those instructions should add something identifying any dependencies on third party libraries, and a note as to what to do if you want to build everything in boost that needs to be built, including any third party libraries that one library or another may need in order to have every feature working (or at least links to the installation pages for those boost libraries that depend on some third party library).  The info Nate and KTC provided on the page you identified really ought to be folded into the 'Boost Getting Started on Windows page (and the part of KTC's answer dealing specifically with the third party libraries adapted to what is relevant for Unix and included then on the 'Boost Getting Started on Unix Variants' page).

