The callstack is the same with boost 1.46.1.

    test.exe!boost::detail::sp_ms_deleter<o>::sp_ms_deleter<o>(void) Line: 60, Byte Offsets: 0x18    C++
    test.exe!boost::make_shared<o>(void) Line: 106, Byte Offsets: 0x5c    C++
    test.exe!wmain(int argc = 1, wchar_t** argv = 0x01b400b0) Line: 37, Byte Offsets: 0x1c    C++
    test.exe!mainWCRTStartup(HINSTANCE__* hInstance = 0x002608d0, HINSTANCE__* hInstancePrev = 0x00000000, unsigned short* lpszCmdLine = 0x002608d0, int nCmdShow = 0) Line: 188, Byte Offsets: 0x94    C++

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Peter Dimov <> wrote:
Paul Heil wrote:

I have upgraded to boost 1.46.1. The issue remains the same.

Can you please post the new call stack?

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