#include #include "obf_string.hpp" #include obf_string<'Loli','ta, ','ligh','t of',' my ','life',', fi','re o','f my',' loi','ns. ','My s','in, ','my s','oul'> o1; obf_string<'. Lo','-lee','-ta:',' the',' tip',' of ','the ','tong','ue t','akin','g a ','trip',' of ','thre','e s'> o2; obf_string<'teps',' dow','n th','e pa','late',' to ','tap,',' at ','thre','e, o','n th','e te','eth.',' Lo.',' Le'> o3; obf_string<'e. T','a. '> o4; obf_string<'She ','was ','Lo, ','plai','n Lo',', in',' the',' mor','ning',', st','andi','ng f','our'> o5; obf_string<' fee','t te','n in',' one',' soc','k. S','he w','as L','ola ','in s','lack','s. S','he w','as D','oll'> o6; obf_string<' y a','t sc','hool','. Sh','e wa','s Do','lore','s on',' the',' dot','ted ','line','. Bu','t in',' my '> o7; obf_string<' arm','s sh','e wa','s al','ways',' Lol','ita.',' '> o8; obf_string<'Did ','she ','have',' a p','recu','rsor','? Sh','e'> o9; obf_string<' did',', in','deed',' she',' did','. In',' poi','nt o','f fa','ct, ','ther','e mi','ght ','have',' be'> o10; obf_string<' en ','no L','olit','a at',' all',' had',' I n','ot l','oved',', on','e su','mmer',', a ','cert','ain '> o11; obf_string<' ini','tial',' gir','l-ch','ild.',' In ','a pr','ince','dom ','by t','he s','ea. ','Oh w','hen?',' Abo'> o12; obf_string<' ut ','as m','any ','year','s be','fore',' Lol','ita ','was ','born',' as ','my a','ge w','as t','hat '> o13; obf_string<' sum','mer.',' You',' can',' alw','ays ','coun','t on',' a m','urde','rer ','for ','a fa','ncy ','pros'> o14; obf_string<' e s','tyle','. '> o15; obf_string<'Ladi','es a','nd g','entl','emen',' of ','the ','jury',', ex','hibi','t nu','mber'> o16; obf_string<' one',' is ','what',' the',' ser','aphs',', th','e mi','sinf','orme','d, s','impl','e, n','oble','-wi'> o17; obf_string<' nge','d se','raph','s, e','nvie','d. L','ook ','at t','his ','tang','le o','f th','orns','. '> o18; obf_string<'I wa'> o19; obf_string<'s bo','rn i','n 19','10, ','in P','aris','. My',' fat','her ','was ','a ge','ntle',', ea','sy-g','oin'> o20; obf_string<'g pe','rson',', a ','sala','d of',' rac','ial ','gene','s: a',' Swi','ss c','itiz','en, ','of m','ixe'> o21; obf_string<'d Fr','ench',' and',' Aus','tria','n de','scen','t, w','ith ','a da','sh o','f th','e Da','nube',' in'> o22; obf_string<' his',' vei','ns. ','I am',' goi','ng t','o pa','ss a','roun','d in',' a m','inut','e so','me l','ove'> o23; obf_string<' ly,',' glo','ssy-','blue',' pic','ture','-pos','tcar','ds. ','He o','wned',' a l','uxur','ious',' hot'> o24; obf_string<' el ','on t','he R','ivie','ra. ','His ','fath','er a','nd t','wo g','rand','fath','ers ','had ','sold'> o25; obf_string<' win','e, j','ewel','s an','d si','lk, ','resp','ecti','vely','. At',' thi','rty ','he m','arri','ed '> o26; obf_string<' an ','Engl','ish ','girl',', da','ught','er o','f Je','rome',' Dun','n, t','he a','lpin','ist,',' and'> o27; obf_string<' gra','ndda','ught','er o','f tw','o Do','rset',' par','sons',', ex','pert','s in',' obs','cure',' su'> o28; obf_string<' bje','cts-','-pal','eope','dolo','gy a','nd A','eoli','an h','arps',', re','spec','tive','ly. ','My v'> o29; obf_string<' ery',' pho','toge','nic ','moth','er d','ied ','in a',' fre','ak a','ccid','ent ','(pic','nic,',' lig'> o30; obf_string<' htn','ing)',' whe','n I ','was ','thre','e, a','nd, ','save',' for',' a p','ocke','t of',' war','mth '> o31; obf_string<' in ','the ','dark','est ','past',', no','thin','g of',' her',' sub','sist','s wi','thin',' the',' hol'> o32; obf_string<' low','s an','d de','lls ','of m','emor','y, o','ver ','whic','h, i','f yo','u ca','n st','ill ','stan'> o33; obf_string<' d m','y st','yle ','(I a','m wr','itin','g un','der ','obse','rvat','ion)',', th','e su','n of',' my '> o34; obf_string<' inf','ancy',' had',' set',': su','rely',', yo','u al','l kn','ow t','hose',' red','olen','t re','mnan'> o35; obf_string<' ts ','of d','ay s','uspe','nded',', wi','th t','he m','idge','s, a','bout',' som','e he','dge ','in b'> o36; obf_string<' loo','m or',' sud','denl','y en','tere','d an','d tr','aver','sed ','by t','he r','ambl','er, ','at t'> o37; obf_string<' he ','bott','om o','f a ','hill',', in',' the',' sum','mer ','dusk','; a ','furr','y wa','rmth',', go'> o38; obf_string<' lde','n mi','dges','. '> o39; obf_string<'My m','othe','r','s el','der ','sist','er, ','Sybi','l, w','hom ','a co','us'> o40; obf_string<'in o','f my',' fat','her','\\','s ','had ','marr','ied ','and ','then',' neg','lect','ed, ','serv','ed i','n'> o41; obf_string<' my ','imme','diat','e fa','mily',' as ','a ki','nd o','f un','paid',' gov','erne','ss a','nd h','ous'> o42; obf_string<' eke','eper','. So','mebo','dy t','old ','me l','ater',' tha','t sh','e ha','d be','en i','n lo','ve w'> o43; obf_string<' ith',' my ','fath','er, ','and ','that',' he ','had ','ligh','thea','rted','ly t','aken',' adv','anta'> o44; obf_string<' ge ','of i','t on','e ra','iny ','day ','and ','forg','otte','n it',' by ','the ','time',' the',' wea'> o45; obf_string<' the','r cl','eare','d. I',' was',' ext','reme','ly f','ond ','of h','er, ','desp','ite ','the ','rigi'> o46; obf_string<' dit','y--t','he f','atal',' rig','idit','y--o','f so','me o','f he','r ru','les.',' Per','haps',' she'> o47; obf_string<' wan','ted ','to m','ake ','of m','e, i','n th','e fu','llne','ss o','f ti','me, ','a be','tter',' wi'> o48; obf_string<' dow','er t','han ','my f','athe','r. A','unt ','Sybi','l ha','d pi','nk-r','imme','d az','ure ','eyes'> o49; obf_string<' and',' a w','axen',' com','plex','ion.',' She',' wro','te p','oetr','y. S','he w','as p','oeti','cal'> o50; int main(){ std::cout << o1.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o2.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o3.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o4.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o5.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o6.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o7.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o8.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o9.unobfuscate(); std::cout << o10.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o11.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o12.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o13.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o14.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o15.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o16.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o17.unobfuscate(); std::cout << o18.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o19.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o20.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o21.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o22.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o23.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o24.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o25.unobfuscate(); std::cout << o26.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o27.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o28.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o29.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o30.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o31.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o32.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o33.unobfuscate();std::cout << o34.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o35.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o36.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o37.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o38.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o39.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o40.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o41.unobfuscate(); std::cout << o42.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o43.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o44.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o45.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o46.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o47.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o48.unobfuscate(); std::cout<< o49.unobfuscate(); std::cout << o50.unobfuscate(); }