On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Marco Piacentini <marcopiacenta@yahoo.it> wrote:
Hi guys..I've the following problem..

I have a file called A.h and a file B.h. each  contains some struct like this: (the structs inside the two classes are different)

    struct Base
        friend class access;

        template <typename Archive>
        void serialize(Archive& ar,const unsigned int version)
            ar & fieldLength;
            ar & fieldMD;
            ar & fieldTime_Stamp;
            unsigned int fieldLength;
            unsigned int fieldMD;
            unsigned int fieldTime_Stamp;
           virtual void f(){} //to be polymorphic the struct

    struct Derived:public Base
.        ...

So i serialize the struct in the classic manner:

    std::ostringstream archive_stream;

    boost::archive::text_oarchive archive(archive_stream);


    archive <<p;   // where p is a pointer to Base

on the deserialization side, I follow the same (inverse) procedure...if I deserialize singularly the structs in A.h (without include in the project B.h) and the structs in B.h (without include in the project A.h) all works....but If I include in the project both the classes, the deserialization  works for one class, but  throws the "Stream error exception" in the  instruction   " archive >> m;" for the other...it seems a conflict in the registration class or something like this...
Any ideas?thanks...

I recently ran into this same exception in Boost (although my version was 1.36). I referred to the following URL for help - http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/libs/serialization/doc/exceptions.html#stream_error, but my problem was solved with this reference (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5178321/boost-serialization-problem-in-windows-vs2005-input-stream-error/5179154#5179154), which was more relevant to my problem, since I was using a binary_archive.

Hope one of these references are useful to you.
Ganeshram Iyer
Open Source and CAD: http://ossandcad.blogspot.com