Hi all:

I’m currently trying to compile boost 1.47. I need to use the zlib features in the ioStreams library hence am using the following command line:

bjam toolset=msvc --stagedir=stage/vc/v10/32-bit -sZLIB_SOURCE="c:\progra~1\zlib" -sZLIB_LIBPATH="c:\progra~1\zlib\boost_zlib.lib" -sBZIP2_SOURCE="c:\progra~1\bzip2" --build-type=complete >boostv10.txt

this fails telling me it carn’t open boost_zlib.lib.

it appears from the docs that this command line is correct. I’m compiling on windows xp, vc 2010.

Also, whilst I think about it, without modifying the default jam file the boost.iostreams library fails to compile, the file gzio.c is no longer in the zlib distribution as of version—could this be rectified for future boost releases?

