On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 8:42 AM, <Viatcheslav.Sysoltsev@h-d-gmbh.de> wrote:
Well spotted Colin thank you for taking the time to reply, but in my real
code i was incremented. I supplied this pseudo code to demonstrate how I was
using the library just in case my usage was incorrect.
Have you missed maybe an *other* important detail in your pseudocode? If you really want help, provide small working example demonstrating your problem. Try it with reference compiler (msvc/gcc) to make sure it is not a compiler issue.
I simply can understand why this doesn't work. I am using 64 bit builds of
Don't hurry
Hi, I appreciate the example was useless and of course missing the timed_lock request, so apologies for wasting your time. I have now provided a complete example as requested,  as a Win32 console app built in x64. However, I am unable to test on any compiler other the Intel as I do not have the applicable libraries, but I suspect this may not be a compiler issue. I suspect the real problem lies between the seat and the keyboard.
Not to sure what you meant by "Don't hurry" but I suspect there may be an odour or urine in the air.














namespace boost::interprocess ;


namespace boost::posix_time ;


_tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


std::string m_FileName(

"./locktest.txt") ;

std::ofstream os ;

os.open(m_FileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::app) ;



if (os.is_open())


file_lock fileLock(m_FileName.c_str()) ;

ptime pt(second_clock::local_time()) ;

os.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield) ;

os.precision(3) ;

if (fileLock.timed_lock(pt += seconds(5)))




// Do rows

for (int o = 0; o < 48; o++)


os << "This is row " << o << " of 48" << " and this is just text" << "\n" ;

// Do columns

for (int i = 0; i < 51; i++)


os << i << "\t" ;



fileLock.unlock() ;


catch (interprocess_exception& e)


std::cout << e.what() ;


catch (std::ofstream::failure e)


std::cout << e.what() ;





std::cout <<

"No lock on file!" ;


os.close() ;




std::cout <<

"File not opened!" ;



catch (std::exception& e)


std::cout << e.what() ;


std::cout <<

"Press a key to close." ;

std::cin.get() ;

return 0 ;


Thank you.

