I really enjoyed working with Iostreams, while testing some of my components. Using IOStreams with array_device seemed to be a very powerfull approach to test some of my stream based algorithms. But currently I face some issues which seem to be really weired to me. I produced some code snippet to better explain it. I used Boost.Test library to verify my assumptions.
typedef array<byte, 2> arr_buffer; //boost::array
typedef io::basic_array<byte> arr_dev;
arr_buffer buffer_ = {{}};
arr_dev dev_(buffer_.begin(), buffer_.end());
io::stream<arr_dev> ios_(dev_);
arr_dev::pair_type range = dev_.input_sequence();
BOOST_MESSAGE("size: " << distance(range.first, range.second)); // output: size is 2
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0u, ios_.tellg()); //stream is at position 0 as expected
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1u, ios_.tellg()); // stream is at position 1 as expected
BOOST_MESSAGE("current pos: " << ios_.tellg()); // !!! stream is at position 2
BOOST_MESSAGE("current pos: " << ios_.tellg()); // stream is at position -1
BOOST_MESSAGE("eof: " << ios_.eof()); // !!! but eof is false
If the defined stream is only 2 bytes long why is 2 a valid stream position? Why is eof always false? Do you think this behavior is buggy?
I changed the same behavior to read bytes from stream and created an array of length 3, but passed the range of 2 bytes to the device ctor. This works as expected:
arr_buffer buffer_ = {{'a', 'b', 'c'}};
arr_dev dev_(buffer_.begin(), buffer_.begin()+2); //range of 2 bytes is passed
io::stream<arr_dev> ios_(dev_);
arr_dev::pair_type range = dev_.input_sequence();
BOOST_MESSAGE("size: " << distance(range.first, range.second));
byte bt;
BOOST_MESSAGE("current pos: " << ios_.tellg()); // prints 0
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0u, ios_.tellg());
ios_.read(&bt, 1);
BOOST_MESSAGE("retrieved: " << bt); // prints 'a'
BOOST_MESSAGE("current pos: " << ios_.tellg()); //prints 1
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1u, ios_.tellg());
ios_.read(&bt, 1);
BOOST_MESSAGE("retrieved: " << bt); // prints 'b'
BOOST_MESSAGE("current pos: " << ios_.tellg()); // !!! prints 2, why not -1???
ios_.read(&bt, 1);
BOOST_MESSAGE("retrieved: " << bt); // still prints 'b' => nothing retrieved
BOOST_MESSAGE("current pos: " << ios_.tellg()); // !!! now it prints -1
BOOST_MESSAGE("eof: " << ios_.eof()); // !!! now eof is true
Any ideas why it behaves as described?
With Kind Regards,