Hey, so I'm using the boost::serialization library, and I'm trying to override how a class is constructed, since it has no default constructor. This is demonstrated here. To me it appears the function ONLY takes the `class* t` and then sets it to point to a newly constructed object. If I'm wrong, this is definitely the source of my error.

However, the only way to construct my class is by using another classes `create()` function, meaning I need to stray from the code in the example (this is stated in the boost::serialization namespace): `::new(t)my_class(attribute);`

I tried simply calling the create function and setting `t` equal to the returned pointer, but this doesn't seem to work because right after the `load_construct_data function`, and in the `serialization function`, the given `myClass&` is not the same as what I set 't' to.
How do I do whatever ::new(t) is doing so the object created using the create function follows through into the serialize/other functions?

  [1]: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/libs/serialization/doc/serialization.html#constructors