On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 15:48, Julien Nitard <julien.nitard@m4tp.org> wrote:
Hi All,
Some (rather long) time ago there were some talks and some code written about LINQ-like feature for C++, notably one named boost.qlang.
Were there any followups ? Is there any equivalent in other libraries ?

The more recent related discussion  was about CPPDB if I remember correctly : http://art-blog.no-ip.info/sql/cppdb/
The author is the boost::locale author and both cppdb and boost::locale are part of cppcms http://cppcms.sourceforge.net/wikipp/en/page/main

The discussion was  http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/SQL-Connectivity-Is-Boost-interested-in-CppDB-tt3086534.html#none
There were discussions about SOCI and other alternatives too.

Joël Lamotte