Hello Users,
Qt v4.7.2
Boost v1.47.0.
Intel Compiler v 12.0.1029.2010
Windows 7 Ultimate N x64
Building an x64 Release binary
I have just included the boost/filesystem.hpp file in to my application and re-compiled only for the compiler to generate these errors.
As yet I am not using any of the functionality of this I just included the file. Is this another Intel / MSVC STL issue?
Sorry for the dump but without it I assume you won't be able to help.
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(126): error: expected either a definition or a tag name
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(127): error: expected an identifier
{none, fail_if_exists = none, overwrite_if_exists};
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(127): error: expected a ";"
{none, fail_if_exists = none, overwrite_if_exists};
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(150): error: identifier "copy_option" is undefined
BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(copy_option) option, // See ticket #2925
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(299): error: identifier "copy_option" is undefined
BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(copy_option) option)
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(303): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
{detail::copy_file(from, to, copy_option::fail_if_exists);}
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(306): error: identifier "copy_option" is undefined
BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(copy_option) option, system::error_code& ec)
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(310): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
{detail::copy_file(from, to, copy_option::fail_if_exists, &ec);}
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(642): error: expected either a definition or a tag name
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(643): error: expected an identifier
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(643): error: expected a ";"
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(648): warning #12: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(651): error: identifier "symlink_option" is undefined
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(651): error: identifier "symlink_option" is undefined
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(651): error: identifier "symlink_option" is undefined
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(651): error: nonmember operator requires a parameter with class or enum type
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(651): error: identifier "symlink_option" is undefined
The two errors above are repeated and repeated many times so I removed then to save bandwidth, space and time.
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(662): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
recur_dir_itr_imp() : m_level(0), m_options(symlink_option::none) {}
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(678): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
if ((m_options & symlink_option::_detail_no_push) == symlink_option::_detail_no_push)
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(678): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
if ((m_options & symlink_option::_detail_no_push) == symlink_option::_detail_no_push)
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(679): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
m_options &= ~symlink_option::_detail_no_push;
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(682): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
|| (m_options & symlink_option::recurse) == symlink_option::recurse))
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(682): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
|| (m_options & symlink_option::recurse) == symlink_option::recurse))
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(737): error: identifier "symlink_option" is undefined
BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(symlink_option) opt = symlink_option::none)
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(737): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(symlink_option) opt = symlink_option::none)
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(747): error: identifier "symlink_option" is undefined
BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(symlink_option) opt,
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(737): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(symlink_option) opt = symlink_option::none)
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(761): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
m_imp->m_options = symlink_option::none;
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(783): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
return (m_imp->m_options & symlink_option::_detail_no_push)
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(784): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
== symlink_option::_detail_no_push;
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(802): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
m_imp->m_options |= symlink_option::_detail_no_push;
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(804): error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name
m_imp->m_options &= ~symlink_option::_detail_no_push;
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(988): error: namespace "boost::filesystem3" has no member "copy_option"
using filesystem3::copy_option;
..\Includes\boost/filesystem/v3/operations.hpp(1031): error: namespace "boost::filesystem3" has no member "symlink_option"
using filesystem3::symlink_option;