Hi all,

  I'm on a project which uses a C++ compiler, but with a lot of C-isms. One of those is that there are objects with pairs of functions which allocate/deallocate resources. I don't have time to fix all of the design issues with the classes that do this (yet), but within one compilation unit I'd like to remove the chance for leaks.

  So - if I wanted to use boost types to wrap around 2 functions f() and g(), where each function
Is there a boost::bind (or lambda) expression that I can wrap in a type?

I'm not adverse to using several template parameters.

If it were just nullary functions I could just use:

struct Reference {};
struct TypeWrapper{}; // Signify something like shared_ptr, a T which wraps around a pointer to an object of the type containing the functions, where T has a typedef value_type to refer to the wrapped type, and a get() to obtain a pointer to the wrapped pointer.

template<class T, type R1, type R2, class P = Reference>
struct ScopedDuals
    typedef R1 (T::*f_t)();
    typedef R2 (T::*g_t)();

    ScopedDuals(T&t, f_t f, g_t g)
        : t_(t), g_(g)

    ~ScopedDuals() { (t_.*g_)(); }

    T& t_;
    g_t g_;

template<class T, type R1. type R2>
struct ScopedDuals<T, R1, R2, TypeWrapper>
    typedef typname T::value_type Inner_t;
    typedef R1 (Inner_t::*f_t)();
    typedef R2 (Inner_t::*g_t)();

    ScopedDuals(T&t, f_t f, g_t g)
        : t_(t), g_(g)

    ~ScopedDuals() { (t_.get()->*g_)(); }

    T& t_;
    g_t g_;

How do I generalize to include the possibility of a single argument?

and.... does anyone have a better suggestion for a name than "ScopedDuals"? While I think it's precise, it may not be useful to my teammates.
