I am a fan of Boost.Test. As a habbit, I organize my code this way:


// file: Foo.h


Class foo


                // implementations



#ifdef ENABLE_TEST   

namespace test_cases




//  test predicates of class foo



} //namespace test_cases



//end of file Foo.h



With this structure, I can always carry test cases with any class I write, I just need to copy the file around. When I need to test it there is a universal test main.cpp


//File test_main.cpp



#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>




#include "foo.h"

//#include other includes


//End of File test_main


This pattern has helped me to use TDD easily.


The only issue is that test cases are scattered among each header files. Usually I do not know exactly how many test cases/suites are included.  

If there is a {--list|-l } option to print a tree of registered test suites and test cases, so that one can quickly look them up here and filter the test cases to be run, it would be a great feature.