

I’m new to boost and it’s mailing list and I really like the library! As my first example project, I want to run

the boost HTTP Server 3. Interesting points for me are Socket and Threading stuff.


To get into the threading stuff, I did add some output to the std::cout in the request_handler

part at the top of the method “handle_request“ following by a sleep(5000).


After this I compile (without errors/warnings) and run the program providing Ip/Port, docroot and threadpool size 20.

When I start a request to it with my browser, as expected I get the output on the console.

But when I start some requests concurrent, the requests seems processed one by one (

not concurrent as expected). I don’t know, but I expect, that the Requests would be

processed concurrent (1 Request = 1 Thread?)


I’m using Visual Studio 10 with boost 1.47.0 on windows server 2k8 rc2 and following example code:




Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance
