
I'm playing a bit with boost::xpressive and have no clue how to get a 100,000 (comma as separator) to a double as 1000000.00 or 250,000.10 as a double 250000.10 or 12,00 as double 12.00 or 1,200,500.00 as double 1200500.00. I'm working with xpressive since a day. What's the regex for that?

And how can i use it in xpressive-grammar as a nested regex? 

Example subject: "I payed 100,200.50 Dollar"

Example Regex on subject: 'I payed' >> (s1=getdoubleregex) >> ' Dollar'

Is it possible to do it like that? Set return-value/type in a regex?

Thank you very much!