2011/9/30 Dave Abrahams <dave@boostpro.com>

on Fri Sep 30 2011, Jeremiah Willcock <jewillco-AT-osl.iu.edu> wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Sep 2011, Pablo Fleurquin wrote:
>> Ok, but can you give me a hint, how to write a wrap for this?The
>> function I use is boost::strong_connected_component
> Look at the documentation page for that algorithm; there is a list of
> concepts it requires its graph type to model, with links to individual
> documentation pages for those.  Those pages will list which functions
> you need to implement and how they are supposed to behave.  You will
> also need a graph_traits specialization; the documentation pages will
> also say what that should look like.

Jeremiah, I could have _sworn_ there was built-in support to make
std::vector's usable directly as graphs.  Am I mis-remembering?  Was it

Dave, that would be great, the built in support is still there? I tried to follow what Jeremiah told me but it is too advance for me. In future I will be able to do so but I need this done now because I do not have time to deepen these days. I want this code to be written using boost so I start to get used to it. THANKS! 
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