Hi Luis, 

could you post a simple code to demonstrate your problem?

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 02:47, Luis A. Montes <luis@qdusa.com> wrote:
I'm trying to use the serialization library and was having a compile
error using MSVC 2005. So I decided to try and compile "A Very Simple
Case" from the tutorial, and that of course works. But then I noticed
that the example serializes a const object, that sort of is rather
useless, so I removed the const specifier, and I got the same error that
I was getting with my program, namely:
warning C4099:
'boost::serialization::static_warning_impl<false>::STATIC_WARNING' :
type name first seen using 'struct' now seen using 'class'

I went googling for an answer and I found that I should look at the
rationale on the docs, but the rationale
doesn't seem at all relevant. I finally sort of guessed that I wanted
was probably to modify the tracking behavior on my program (looking at
the thread http://lists.boost.org/boost-users/2010/05/59107.php ). But
my objects are not on the stack, so I'm not really sure. My class
structure is a bit more complicated than the simple example, but my
question basically is, what changes would be appropriate on the simple
example so that it would compile for non-const objects?


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