i am trying to figure out how is the best way to use the capabilities of subgraph.
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS
,boost::vecS ,boost::bidirectionalS // ,GVertexProp // ,CFGEdgeProp> // GBase;
typedef GBase::vertex_descriptor G_v_id;
class Graph : public GraphBase
remove(const std::string& vName){
G_v_id vToRemove = findVertexByName(vName);
now my algorithm uses SCCs and works and modify each component separately and the idea of subgraph charmed me so i performed the following change
typedef boost::subgraph<boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS
,boost::vecS ,boost::bidirectionalS // ,GVertexProp // ,CFGEdgeProp> > // GBase;
typedef GBase::vertex_descriptor G_v_id;
and now it stops to compile on boost::remove_vertex.
is there an elegant way to use subgraph instead of copying it to separate graph and working from there.