On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 3:02 AM, Mathias Gaunard <mathias.gaunard@ens-lyon.org> wrote:
On 10/30/2011 02:28 AM, Larry wrote:
I have found using Boost 1.47 with MSVS .Net 2003 that if I include split()
that it tends to kill the Intellisense function in the editor for a
current method
or function. I usually have something like
typedef vector<string> Splits;
Splits sv;
string input_string;
I was curious if anyone else had run across this and better yet if there
was a way
around it.

Upgrading to a more recent Visual Studio version probably fixes the issue.

I can't speak to 2003, but with VS2010, Intellisense has been removed from the package. Ask how we found out much to our chagrin...

The good news is that for most things we are quite satisfied with VS2008, which seems satisfactory for much of what we need to do.

There is also a Visual Assist X package which "replaces" Intellisense, and a whole host of other features, whether you go with VS2008 or VS2010. This is through http://www.wholetomato.com/.


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