Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use boosts shared_ptr class, and only that one - I was happy to see that boosts provides such a cool tool as bcp.  However, it seems that the installation that bcp performs is not complete in my case.

When compiling my project, I first found out that "boost/config/user.hpp" was missing. So I copied that one manually and assumed that it was just a little bug since that one does just includes comments
and might therefore have been ignored by bcp for some reason. But now, I still find that "boost/config/compiler/visualc.hpp" is missing and my project is unable to compile.

According to the bcp description (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/tools/bcp/bcp.html) I was assuming that bcp should install all compiler configs that might be necessary for any random platform.

Here's how I used bcp after I built it (Windows7, VC10):

"{path-to-the-bcp-build-dir}/bsp.exe shared_ptr.hpp E:\SDK\boost_1_47_0_dependencies"

, invoked from the root of the freshly downloaded boost directory E:\SDK\boost_1_47_0.

Did I make a mistake, or is this a bug?

Thanks a lot in advance!