Ok, here as a text file, since I saw that the message was already automatically held back.. thanks!

2011/11/6 John Maddock <boost.regex@virgin.net>
According to the bcp description (
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/tools/bcp/bcp.html) I was assuming
that bcp should install all compiler configs that might be necessary for
any random platform.

Here's how I used bcp after I built it (Windows7, VC10):

"{path-to-the-bcp-build-dir}/bsp.exe shared_ptr.hpp

, invoked from the root of the freshly downloaded boost directory

Did I make a mistake, or is this a bug?

I can't see an obvious mistake.  However, I can't reproduce here either (on Vista, but that's the only difference).

Can you execute:

bcp --list shared_ptr.hpp

and let me know what it prints out?

Thanks, John.
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