/fs/tools/L3/boost_1_43_0/boost/mpl/list.hpp:36:69: fatal error: boost/mpl/list/list80.hpp: No such file or directory
BOOST_MPL_CFG_NO_PREPROCESSED_HEADERS doesn't seem to work if you read the documentation.  The doc should say "we have a hard coded limit of 50".
/fs/tools/L3/boost_1_43_0/boost/fusion/container/vector/detail/vector_n_chooser.hpp:45:1: error: ‘vector80’ does not name a type
fusion is even worse.  It could easily checks FUSION_MAX_VECTOR_SIZE in vector_n_chooser.hpp, but doesn't detect a value that's too big.
1) I think both test libraries should #error if you go over the limit.
2) Why don't we extend the limits?
I may wind up doing this real quick to keep my code working (needs 71).  Can I merge the changes into trunk when I'm done and after 1.48 is finished?