Hello All,

      I have to use Dijkstra's visitor in my project to check a minimum condition on each edge in the shortest path. But I am not sure how to use it with bundled edge properties. Can anyone give me a good overview of how to implement examine_edge() in Dijkstra visitor concept. Below are the details.

struct Edgep
int edge_index;
int edge_w;
std::string edge_name;
int capacity;

Graph as: typedef subgraph< adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS,
   Vertexp, property< edge_index_t, unsigned int, Edgep > > > Graph;

Shortest path is based on edge_w and I want to check for the minimum condition on this metric through visitor's examine_edge() function.

If someone can give a simple example code for understanding the usage and implementing examine_edge() in Dijkstra visitor concept, then I can go further from there. I actually had a look at it in the  documentation but I could not follow that example. Just a simple example would be of great help for me. 
