Hello All,

     I am getting little confused in defining the predicate for filtered graph since my properties are bundled. I need to compare two bundled property inside the predicate, I am not getting any idea of how to access this property there.

Bundled property is declared as: 

struct Edgep
int edge_index;
int edge_w;
std::string edge_name;
int capacity;
int residual_capcity;
int bandwidth_used;

typedef subgraph< adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS,
   Vertexp, property< edge_index_t, unsigned int, Edgep > > > Graph;

I am creating the edge bundled property map as typedef bundle_property_map<Graph, Graph::edge_descriptor, Edgep, int> EM;

I need to filter those edges whose bandwidth_used < residual_capacity.

 According to my understanding, I need to create a map to bandwidth_used and residual_capacity  and pass this to predicate function. But can I define a predicate to take 2 different input maps or what is the better way to do this? I need some help at this part.

Your suggestions would be of great help for me to proceed. 

