Hi, I am new to the boost, I download the boost 1.49.0 and try to build the utree example – Sexpr Parser(environment: eclipse +CDT + gcc4.5.2), but It failed and I got the error info about the “sexpr_gemerator.hpp” as follows:
Function ‘attr_cast’ could not be resolved
Function ‘call’ could not be resolved
Symbol ‘boo_policies’ could not be resolved
Symbol ‘String_inserter’ could not be resolved
Actually, I check the header, It already has ‘#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>’ which will finally include ‘#include <boost/spirit/home/karma/numeric/bool.hpp>’, where karma::attr_cast is defined
Does anyone know the reason? how can I make the example run successfully? thanks
By the way, I can build other exmple like “mini-xml parser” in the doc library.