Does anyone have any idea as to what my problem below may be?  Thank you for your help.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Shane Kruk <>
Date: December 1, 2011 8:37:49 PM MST
Subject: Embedded python using boost

I'm in the process of learning python, and embedding python into C++. I know very little about python so I've been playing around with many different types of interfaces and API's, with varying degrees of successes and failures. What I'm currently working on is the boost interface with C++. I am, however, stuck, for lack of a better word. Since the system I'm playing on is at work and on an isolated network, I do not have the ability to post the code directly to this forum. As such, I was able to print a copy of some experimental code, brought it home, and scanned it into a PDF file. I've attached the file(s) containing the code. If someone could please take a look at it and provide some advice as to what my problems are, it would be greatly appreciated.

You'll notice some lines commented out as I've been experimenting with different things in an attempt to get something to work.

My main problem at the moment is that the functions import(), eval(), and exec() cannot be found by the compiler. I get compiler errors indicating they are not declared in scope.

I'm running on a redhat linux system (5.4) with a 1.33.1 version of boost. Python is version 2.4. I forgot to check the GNU C++ compiler version, but I'm guessing that probably doesn't matter.