On Dec 8, 2011, at 2:58 PM, Rai, Neeraj wrote:

I am writing my first boost program and having trouble with the compiler warning against boost 1.44.0.
Is there any way to get rid of those warnings so I can focus on real warnings in my code ?
The gist of warning is :
        boost_1_44_0/include/boost/mpl/aux_/integral_wrapper.hpp:73:96: warning: the result of the conversion is unspecified because '-0x00000000000000001' is outside the range of type 'boost::numeric::udt_builtin_mixture_enum' [-Wconversion]
Any help or pointers are appreciated.
====== The following program is a cut down version of my code, just declares sregex
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/xpressive/xpressive.hpp>
int main (int _argc, const char** _argv)
  std::cout << "argc=" << _argc << " argv=" << _argv << std::endl;
  using namespace boost::xpressive;
  std::string keyword("");
  sregex const re(sregex::compile(keyword, sregex::icase));

Just tried this with both gcc 4.2.1 and clang 3.0 using the current Boost (1.48), and it worked fine.
No warnings, even with -Wall

-- Marshall

Marshall Clow     Idio Software   <mailto:mclow.lists@gmail.com>

A.D. 1517: Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to the church door and is promptly moderated down to (-1, Flamebait).
        -- Yu Suzuki