On 13 December 2011 10:07, Igor R <boost.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
> -- I'm trying to use shared_ptr in a stl set, but am having trouble with find()
>   Any help?  Documentation on this seems hard to find.
> -- Also, are the overloaded < and == useful or correct here?

No, std algorithms won't call your comparison operators, because those
of boost::shared_ptr do not compare pointees.
You can define in your cpp something like this (operator ==() is not
needed for your particular case):

operator<() is needed for set sorting, but he does need operator==() for the find() to work.

namespace boost
       template<class T>
       bool operator <(const shared_ptr<T> &lhs, const shared_ptr<T> &rhs)
               if (!lhs && !rhs)
                       return false;
               return *lhs < *rhs;

Then move your operator <() out of Node class, and your programm will work.
Your program might work, but anyone else who might include your operator<() definition in their own code will be extremely surprised when this doesn't work as expected:
   ASSERT_FALSE(shared_ptr<Foo>(new Foo()) == shared_ptr<Foo>(new Foo()));

When I compare 2 pointers, smart or raw, I want to know if the pointers are equal not the subobjects. This is the reason I would strongly recommend not doing this, regardless of whether this code will be used by others or not. Follow POLS - Principle Of Least Surprise; to override the equality operator for all shared_ptr<> instances would be staggeringly surprising, but even for 1 is unexpected.

A possible alternative, if you didn't wish to use boost::ptr_set for some reason, would be to provide your own less than comparator for the set type, though that still leaves you with the custom 'find' behaviour. For that you could use std::find_if, but it won't give you as good performance as set's own methods (linear vs. logarithmic IIRC).
I guess another alternative would be a shared_ptr wrapper that does the dereferencing compare as you want, but that may prove tricky to do. I'd still recommend ptr_container.

Rob Desbois
Blog: http://theotherbranch.wordpress.com/
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