@echo off rem link= determines whether lib or dll files are built. rem static builds lib files only rem shared builds dll files only (with lib import libraries) rem static,shared builds both rem Note that, by default, programs will link against the static libraries, regardless of this setting. rem rem runtime-link= determines which version of the C++ runtime will be used rem static link against static (lib) runtime only rem shared link against shared (dll) runtime only rem static,shared link against both (this will double build time and nubmer of compiled libraries) rem rem threading=multi Link against the multi-threaded runtime (Microsoft no longer produces any other kind) rem rem variant=debug,release link against both debug and release libraries rem set VARIANTS=link=static runtime-link=static,shared threading=multi variant=debug,release rem list compiler toolsets to build boost against rem set TOOLSETS=toolset=msvc-9.0 toolset=msvc-10.0 rem Configure libraries rem rem If you don't want to use zlib or bzip2 compression, then remove those options from this line. set LIBRARY_OPTIONS=-sBZIP2_SOURCE="C:\Third_Party\bzip2-1.0.6" -sZLIB_SOURCE="C:\Third_Party\zlib-1.2.5" rem Where the libraries should be installed rem set DESTINATION=C:\boost rem End of configurable options. set COMMON_ARGS=--prefix=%DESTINATION% %TOOLSETS% %VARIANTS% embed-manifest=on %LIBRARY_OPTIONS% -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% install set ARGS_64_BIT=--libdir=%DESTINATION%\lib64 address-model=64 set ARGS_32_BIT=--libdir=%DESTINATION%\lib32 address-model=32 call bootstrap.bat .\bjam %ARGS_64_bit% %COMMON_ARGS% del %DESTINATION%\lib64\*-mt.lib del %DESTINATION%\lib64\*-sgd.lib del %DESTINATION%\lib64\*-gd.lib del %DESTINATION%\lib64\*-s.lib .\bjam %ARGS_32_BIT% %COMMON_ARGS% del %DESTINATION%\lib32\*-mt.lib del %DESTINATION%\lib32\*-sgd.lib del %DESTINATION%\lib32\*-gd.lib del %DESTINATION%\lib32\*-s.lib