reqs.push_back( world.isend( Sender , SendTag , &Neighbor2Proc ) ) ;
reqs.push_back( world.isend( Sender , SendTag , &Neighbor2Proc[ Sender ] ) ) ;
But that made it worse!
On Dec 20, 2011, at 7:12 AM, Jeff Flinn wrote:
Igor R wrote:
Can anyone help decipher this message?
The lines in this call stack have "mangled" names.
For instance,
_ZNSt6vectorI12lattice_typeSaIS0_EE7reserveEm + 114
designates something like vector<lattice_type>::reserve()
Is it really trying to allocate that size? Is gcc really using malloc under all these boost code? :)
Yes, the bottom line is that it throws bad_alloc due to an attmpt to
allocate a very large block.
In line [12] you can see a call to
boost::serialization::stl::reserve_imp<std::vector<lattice_type> >()
it's called when Boost.Serialization loads your vector from a stream.
However, for some reason it read an incorrect vector size -- perhaps
the file is corrupted or there's some version mismatch.
Or loading from a binary_archive that was saved with a different endianess.
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Dr. Jacques C. Richard
NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites
Sr. Lecturer/Research Associate, Aerospace Engineering Dept.
Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77843-3141 979-845-3916 (fax 6051)