

I’m trying to track down a very nasty stack corruption bug in my release code and therefore I would like to enabled the Visual C++ RTCs option to enable runtime stack checks in my release build, however when I try to do this I get an “Incompatible build options” error from the boost libraries. Specifically I get this from boosts AutoLink.hpp:


#if defined(__MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS) && !defined(_DEBUG)

#  pragma message("Using the /RTC option without specifying a debug runtime will lead to linker errors")

#  pragma message("Hint: go to the code generation options and switch to one of the debugging runtimes")

#  error "Incompatible build options"



It seems to be suggesting that in order to use /RTC I need to do a Debug build, buts that’s exactly what I don’t want to do… I need to enable Runtime Checks in the Release build!


Is there any way to get this to work in a release build that uses boost?


Does anyone know the details of the incompatibility? Surely /RTC doesn’t require all linked in DLLs also to be compiled with /RTC?


Thanks in advance.




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