On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Robert Jones <robertgbjones@gmail.com> wrote:
Morning All,

So, I've followed the Getting Started guide pretty faithfully I think; specifically on
Fedora 13, Gcc 4.4.5 I've used...

$ cd path/to/boost_1_48_0
$ ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=path/to/installation/prefix --show-libraries
$ ./b2 install --prefix=path/to/installation/prefix

That all seems to have worked Ok, and I have source and libraries in the
appropriate prefix.

Then I come to section 6, and in particular section 6.1, which talks about library
naming. My libraries don't appear to be named according to this structure. Taking,
for example, Boost.Regex I have


with no mention of toolsets or ABI tags. Does all the naming stuff only apply if you
haven't used the host's default/native toolset?


- Rob.

Ok, well I've figured out some of the answers by trial and error, and by using ./b2 --help.

The getting started guide describes the default behaviour on Windows. The default behaviour
on Linux is different.

./b2 takes a 'layout' parameter, which on Windows defaults to 'versioned' and on Linux to
'system'. By using

./b2 install --prefix=path/to/installation/prefix layout=versioned

The behaviour becomes consistent with the docs.

HTH someone!

- Rob.