I wish to determine the "start" and "length" of all the completed words in a string using Boost Regex

For example I have a String "Hello World and Google"

I would like to create a map like this...

1, 5 //First Character position and Length of Word "Hello"
7, 5 // First Character position and Length of Word World
14, 3 //First Character position and Length of Word "And"
18, 6 // First Character position and Length of Word "Google"

This is the code I have written..

void CreateOffSetMap(std::string completeInStr)
    std::map<int32, int32>OffSetMap;
    std::string escapeChar = "\\" ;
    std::string bChar = "b";
    std::string dotChar = ".";

    std::string findWordInStr = escapeChar + bChar + dotChar + escapeChar + bChar;

    boost::regex regExpression(findWordInStr);

    boost::smatch what;
    std::string::const_iterator start = completeInStr.begin();
    std::string::const_iterator end = completeInStr.end();

    while (boost::regex_search(start, end, what, regExpression))
        int32 foundPos = what.position();
        int32 foundLen = what.length();
        int32 endOffSet = startOffSet + foundLen;

        std::string foundString(start + foundPos, start + foundPos + foundLen);
        OffSetMap[foundPos] = foundLen;

        start += foundPos + foundLen;

But is not working correct as expected, Could Anyone tell me where I am doing wrong here ?

Thanks in Advance