Alexey, hi!

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Alexey Badyaev <> wrote:
Hi All.
I see in sources of the boost/smart_ptr library: shared_count object is
allocated by shared_ptr via operator new.
But I don't want allocate this object on a heap memory, but via my own
Take a look at synopsis.

There is a constructor overload:
template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr(Y * p, D d, A a);
As I understand it, this ctor will allocate internal shared_ptr resources using an instance of Allocator A.

Can I do that in boost trunk? Or may be in a future versions of the boost?
Actually, this raises the question what will happen with boost::shared_ptr after it made to C++11? Is it going to diverge from standard as an additional feature experiment or go hand in hand with C++11 or become obsolete for C++11 compilers?

With Kind Regards,