On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Crispin Cooper <cooperch@cf.ac.uk> wrote:
On 07/02/2012 15:56, Lars Viklund wrote:
I would reckon that shared_ptr most probably has some thread safety primitives, and the other types might have internal mutexes as well.
I just tested shared_ptr on its own - it doesn't try to link.

Is this something that is changing with the previous or current release?  Won't additional locks cause overheads, and is there a global #define I can set to disable them?


Dr Crispin Cooper
Sustainable Places Research Institute
Cardiff University

Boost-users mailing list

I believe the cause of the behaviour you're observing is not necessarily additional locks, but instead that the implementation of boost::mutex has changed (to add a C++11 interface or something similar), and in the process has moved from header-only to requiring linking.

This is all from my memory of skimming the developer list though, so you may want to check out the archives for more information.