Hi, Bogdan:

Thank you for your prompt reply.... I don't even know whether debug or release of boost 1.48.0 is under use.
But, I'm pretty sure under C:\boost_1_48_0\stage\lib, I've got 2 versions of built libraries for each sub-package.
For example, for regex, I've got


I believe when debugging, libboost_regex-vc90-mt-gd-1_48.lib is under use.

My code is now as simple as, still get the error.

        string tests = "aaa";
        const char* aaa = tests.c_str();
        boost::filesystem::path p ( aaa );

BTW, when I use VS2008's command prompt to build boost 1.48.0, there is no error report at all. What can I do?????

BTW, I didn't specify which boost libraries I'm using at all. It seems VS2008 automatically find boost library by itself. I don't need to specify any dependent libraries in Linker-Input ....


On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 1:56 AM, Bogdan Slusarczyk <bogdan.slusarczyk@aldec.com.pl> wrote:
On 2012-02-10 10:48, Bogdan Slusarczyk wrote:
Unhandled exception at 0x51d8ee9e (msvcr90d.dll) in myTest.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0xcdcdcdcd.

Are you sure you use debug version of boost (as you get exception from debug version of msvcr)?

I use 1.48 and is_directory on win32/win64/lin32/lin64 and I don't get any errors, also with win32 debug configurations.

I forgot to add that I use 1.48 with filesystem v2, however I've tested 1.48 v3 on win32 (also debug version) and I didn't noticed any problems.
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