On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 3:59 AM, Andreas Fabri <andreas.fabri@geometryfactory.com> wrote:


I am wondering about the output of the example on the page

I would expect that the  vertices on the border of the
outer or unbounded face got reported in reverse order.

The vertices of inner faces are reported in clockwise order
which makes that for each edge shared by inner faces, we
traverse it once from source to target, and once from target
to source.  This does not hold for edges on the outer face.

Is this intentional, or just a documentation bug?

Hi Andreas,

This may just be a documentation bug - if memory serves me correctly, I didn't necessarily run the traversal to create that output, although I think you could easily modify the example code on that page (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_48_0/libs/graph/example/planar_face_traversal.cpp) to generate similar output.

I don't have a boost checkout handy right now to verify that it's just a documentation bug, but I'll try it out tonight and reply to this thread again.
