
I am running into a problem with boost::posix_time::from_time_t() on a PC with, windows xp, visual studio 2010.  When I input a number larger than the decimal equivalent of 0x7FFFFFFF (maximum posssible int32) into the function it returns a ptime with a date of 1902 or something close to.  I assume the UNIX equivalent of time_t is a int32 and that is why I am having this problem, but I know a time_t is the equivalent to __int64 in windows xp. 

Is there is a MACRO define I am missing or is this a bug that needs to be fixed with this function so that it can accept the windows equivalent of time_t? 
Shouldn't this function accept and convert larger intigers thank int32 to a ptime or do I have to write my own?
