On 28 February 2012 11:40, Roberto Fichera <kernel@tekno-soft.it> wrote:
On 02/27/2012 03:24 PM, Roberto Fichera wrote:
Hi All,

I got a compilation error while compiling a library under Win64 arch that includes the

c:\boost_1.48\include\boost/numeric/interval/detail/msvc_rounding_control.hpp(33) : error C4235: nonstandard extension used : '_asm' keyword not supported on this architecture
c:\boost_1.48\include\boost/numeric/interval/detail/msvc_rounding_control.hpp(33) : error C2065: 'FLD' : undeclared identifier
c:\boost_1.48\include\boost/numeric/interval/detail/msvc_rounding_control.hpp(34) : error C4235: nonstandard extension used : '_asm' keyword not supported on this architecture

So I checked the code under boost/numeric/interval/detail/msvc_rounding_control.hpp and it seems
that it does a preprocessor check against WIN64 instead of _WIN64

I would say that I just found this ticket https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5519
that reports the same problem.
The patch is IMHO obviously correct. It should be applied.
