Dear Boost-Users

boost 1.49.0 and Visual Studio 2010 / Visual Studio 2005 / & g++ 4.6.3 on (Win7 and Ubuntu 12.04)
Build boost libs locally, using the local compilers.

The objective is to get exactly the same random number generator behaviour for the same application built with VS2005, VS2010 and Gnu compilers.

Building the same code, I see the same normal & uniform results under gnu and VS2005 builds (presumably boost random is used under VS2005).

Building the same code, I see the different normal results under gnu and VS2010 builds (presumably the native VC lib is used under VS2010).

So I would like to use (at least) boost's random library instead of the native Visual C++ 2010 library.

From boost docs I learned that it is possible to set up the boost config files such as to use/not use the native compiler/library TR1 implementation:

I cannot however, figure out how to do this from the above docs.
BOOST_HAS_TR1_RANDOM comes into it, but I fail to get the big picture.

Can anybody please advise?

thanks in advance!
