Hello there, I've never used one of these Mailing List conversations before so I apologise for any mistakes.

To the point:  I'm having issues trying to get the wide character version of Boost's serialization libaries working.  When I attempt to compile the result is a multitude of Linker errors.  After Googling failed to turn up anything I posted the question on Stack Overflow, where a reply suggested there may be 'a bug in Boost.Serialization'.  Stack Overflow features nice syntax highlighting so it is easy to see the code, I pieced it together from other normal character examples: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10439984/serialization-example-of-boost-archive-binary-woarchive-hpp-and-or-boost-archive

If there is a rule against posting external links, I apologise.  Or if people want me to paste the code directly in to an email for this mailing list I will do so.  The Stack Overflow question was originally based on my thought that I had made a mistake in my code.  If this IS the case then I do apologise, and I would appreciate knowing just where I've gone wrong.
