I'm trying to learn to use BOOST_CONCEPT_CHECK for custom iterators, ranges, and containers. I've built a simple linked list class with an iterator (and const_iterator) that, as far as I can tell, satisfies the forward traversal iterator requirements. However, g++ gives the following errors:
concept.cpp:81: error: `*' cannot appear in a constant-expression
concept.cpp:81: error: a call to a constructor cannot appear in a constant-expression
concept.cpp:81: error: template argument 1 is invalid
concept.cpp:81: error: template argument 1 is invalid
concept.cpp:82: error: `*' cannot appear in a constant-expression
concept.cpp:82: error: a call to a constructor cannot appear in a constant-expression
concept.cpp:82: error: template argument 1 is invalid
concept.cpp:82: error: template argument 1 is invalid
concept.cpp:83: error: `*' cannot appear in a constant-expression
concept.cpp:83: error: a call to a constructor cannot appear in a constant-expression
concept.cpp:83: error: template argument 1 is invalid
concept.cpp:83: error: template argument 1 is invalid
concept.cpp:84: error: `*' cannot appear in a constant-expression
concept.cpp:84: error: a call to a constructor cannot appear in a constant-expression
concept.cpp:84: error: template argument 1 is invalid
concept.cpp:84: error: template argument 1 is invalidCompiling with -E, lines 81-84 are as follows:
typedef ::boost::concepts::detail::instantiate< &::boost::concepts::requirement_<void(*)(boost::concepts::ForwardTraversalIterator<iterator>)>::failed> boost_concept_check81;
typedef ::boost::concepts::detail::instantiate< &::boost::concepts::requirement_<void(*)(boost::concepts::WritableIterator<iterator>)>::failed> boost_concept_check82;
typedef ::boost::concepts::detail::instantiate< &::boost::concepts::requirement_<void(*)(boost::concepts::ForwardTraversalIterator<const_iterator>)>::failed> boost_concept_check83;
typedef ::boost::concepts::detail::instantiate< &::boost::concepts::requirement_<void(*)(boost::concepts::ReadableIterator<const_iterator>)>::failed> boost_concept_check84;
That tells me that, regardless of why g++ is having trouble, my iterator fails to satisfy the concept somehow. So I wrote some code (see my_naive_check, below) to try to figure out which requirement is failing, but my check code is missing the same thing as the iterator, because the check code runs fine.
Any pointers much appreciated.
// concept.cpp
// What's wrong with the iterators?
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_concepts.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>template <typename T>
class List {
struct Node {
Node(const T& value_, Node *next_): value(value_), next(next_) {}
T value;
Node *next;
} *head;public:
List(): head(0) {}~List() {
Node *node = head;
while (node) {
Node *tmp = node->next;
delete node;
node = tmp;
}void push_front(const T& value) { head = new Node(value, head); }
class iterator:
public boost::iterator_facade<iterator,
iterator(): node(0) {}private:
iterator(Node * const node_): node(node_) {}
friend class List;friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
T& dereference() const { return node->value; }
bool equal(const iterator& rhs) const { return node == rhs.node; }
void increment() { node = node->next; }Node *node;
};iterator begin() { return iterator(head); }
iterator end() { return iterator(); }class const_iterator:
public boost::iterator_facade<const_iterator,
const T,
const_iterator(): node(0) {}
const_iterator(const iterator& old): node(old.node) {}private:
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
const T& dereference() const { return node->value; }
bool equal(const const_iterator& rhs) const { return node == rhs.node; }
void increment() { node = node->next; }const Node *node;
};const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(head); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(); }
ForwardTraversalIterator must be
Copy Constructible
&r == &++r
iterator_traversal<X>::type => forward_traversal_tag
void my_naive_check(List<std::string>& words) {
typedef List<std::string>::iterator It;
It it1 = words.end();
it1 = words.begin();
&it1 == &++it1;
It it2 = it1++;
std::string word = *it2++;
assert(it1 == it2);
assert(words.begin() != words.end());
It::difference_type distance = 0;
It it3;
boost::forward_traversal_tag tag = boost::iterator_traversal<It>::type();
}int main() {
List<std::string> words;
boost::for_each(words, std::cout << boost::lambda::_1 << "\n");